Friday, June 26, 2009

Cambell Patricia Christensen

I would like to tell the whole wide world about the arrival of my new baby sister...........

She came to us 3 weeks early on June 24th @ 11:37am, weighing 7 lbs. 4 oz. and measuring 18 1/2 inches long. With tiny fingers and tiny toes....I was so excited to meet her, and she is beautiful to me.


  1. Welcome to the world Cambell! It will be fun seeing you grow and change along with your big brother.

  2. Congrats! (on both, the baby and the blog, but mostly the baby). She is beautiful, just like her mother. I'm so happy for you. You have such a special family and have such a special spirit about always have. Love you!
    P.S. Can't wait to meet her.

  3. Yea! I'm so glad you have a blog now, so I can see how your doing. Your little man is so handsome. And, your new little girl is gorgeous-she looks so perfect! I love the name Cambell. Congrats!

  4. How lucky were you to go 3 weeks early! Ohhh...seeing her makes me want to hold a new little baby! Seeing Croy with her makes think about introducing Logan to Brighton! Love the name Cambell. Glad I'll be able to check in on you guys!

  5. Congrats Quinn, Brooke and Croydon!! She is so beautiful!! I'm so glad that you guys have a blog! I am hoping someday soon we will get down there to visit!! We miss you guys!


It's a girl!

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